Railway DC-DC Converters
Publish Date:2017-09-25
Richardson, Texas, September 25, 2017 - NetPower introduces quarter brick QYR6A, half brick HYR7A, and full brick FYR7A series of DC-DC converters designed for railway applications. The input voltage ranges include 34-160V and 66-160V. The available output voltages include 5V, 12V, 24V and 48V with power ranging from 60W to 300W. All products are recognized to IEC60950-1 2nd edition and meet the requirements of EN50155.
These DC-DC converters are available in encapsulated packages. Protection against input under voltage, output over-voltage/over-current and over temperature are standard features.
QYR6A, HYR7A and FYR7A converters for railway application are now available, more codes are under development. Contact sales@netpowercorp.com for more information and support.
NetPower develops and manufactures high-performance DC-DC and AC-DC power conversion products in both standard and custom formats. The company's products are widely used in networking, communication, industrial, medical, military and automotive markets. For more information about NetPower and its products, visit www.netpowercorp.com.